Memišević Ermina was born 05. April 1995. in Goražde. Currently live in Sarajevo, where she completed primary and medical school (pediatric nurse) and she completed (2018.) her bachelor degree of Biology on Faculty of Natural Sciences at University of Sarajevo. She is currently undergoing Master’s degree at Departmant of Ecology, University of Sarajevo. Since 2015, she is a member of the research team within “Sharklab Adria International.
2015.- today Participating in the research expedition „Biodiversity of the Neum bay“.
2015.-2016. Participant in 3rd and 4th Biomonitoring microplastic in biota within the DeFishGear project (IPA Adriatic project)
2015.-2018. Participant of the event „European researchers night“ Sarajevo
2017. Participant in the first Bosnian-Maltese School of Pathology and Molecular Genetics of cartilaginous fish, within the framework of the PathoGen project.
2017. Participant in field investigations of the impact of various anthropogenic pressures on freshwater ecosystems within the project “Zajedno za čiste vode BiH”.
2018. Work in primary and high school (February-June) in practical teaching – biology.
2018. 2018. Participant at the seminar “School of Entrepreneurship of the Municipality of Centar” Sarajevo. Association Idea, Sarajevo.
Also, (co)author of two scientific papers and poster presentation:
1. Memišević, E., Gajić, A., Lelo, S., Ganić, A., & Kahrić, A. (2017). Morski krastavci, Holothuroidea de Blainville, 1834 (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), Bosne i Hercegovine. Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine, 13, 13-20.
2. Kahrić, A., Gajić, A., Bahtijarević A., Filipić, F., Memišević, E., Brkić, T, & Dedić, N. (2015). First data of representatives of tunicates (Chordata: Tunicata) in the aquatorium of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3. Memišević, E., Borić, A., Kahrić, A, & Gajić A. (2016). The effect of pollution on fish behavior: neurobehavioral toxicity and disorders. Center of prevention, detection an treathment of diseases at the Sharklab Adria. Hamrun, Malta.