Conference invitation


Association Green Council is implementing two very important projects this year – one entitled Agriculture and Rural Development in the Function of Sustainable Development and the other one entitled Energy Efficiency in Buildings as a Basis for Achieving Sustainable Socio-Economic Growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These initiatives are supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in B&H, USAID and Norwegian Embassy in B&H. Green Council is organising a two days conference to present the results of research on this topic over the past several months, including the anticipated economic and social impact of the lack of progress and reform in these two sectors which are very much linked. The consequences of the failure to establish the necessary structures at the state level in the area of agriculture and rural development as well as energy efficiency are widely recognized by citizens and experts.

Throughout our research, the Green Council team has been discussing this very important topic with key stakeholders from the agriculture and rural development sector, energy efficiency sector, as well as with representatives of relevant institutions and the Parliament of BiH, representatives of non-government organizations, trade chambers, and donors. Green Council held consultative meetings and number of workshops to discuss these findings to further ensure the inclusion of over 100 additional voices. In all of these cases, citizens have noted their support for this initiative and expressed interest to participate in the final conference to be held on 26 and 27 September 2016 at International BURCH University in Sarajevo.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in this important conference. As agricultural, rural development, energy efficiency and sustainable development issues are the core issues of the EU family, and make a substantial part of the EU budget, we recognize how important it is for B&H to prepare this sector for successful future integration.

We look forward to welcoming you on September 26 and 27 and initiating fruitful discussion on these important topics.

Click here to find the conference program.

Should you require any further information about the conference, our research results or our association, please do not hesitate to check out our web page or to contact us at

Please confirm your attendance to the email address: by September,24 2016.

Sincerely yours,

Green Council Team