International student competition

podloga-1024x462Urban project at the site of commodity houses „Razvitak“


  • I Prize 300 EUR
  • II Prize 200 EUR
  • III Prize 100 EUR

Deadline for submissions: 21.10.2015.

Part of the space that is the subject of the Urban Project in the scope of the regulatory plan “Central Zone Reconstruction – Phase II”, is currently under development. The bearer of the regulatory plan is “Institute of Physical Planning” City of Mostar.

There is currently a production of the first phase of the regulatory plan, ie. urban basis with the basic concept of the construction and development of spatial entities. In order to effectively deal with this site, which is located in the center includes the above Regulatory Plan, it was decided to allow the Urban project for this site and this in view of the competition, to help with more possible solutions, and possibly the best interpolated arrived in Regulatory Plan itself.

Today, this area covers part of the urban fabric lesser degree of architectural and urban integrity, but that is recognizable as a complete system, which requires co-ordinated forms of intervention.
Heterogeneous character of physical structures to this area in the form and content of the returned part of the urban fabric of the city of Mostar. Its function in the making would have no urban facilities necessary amendments, which will be available to all citizens.
Thus, the integrated areas of the urban fabric will significantly contribute to its overall quality.

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