Lejna Čelebičić was born at the end of 1995. in Sarajevo in which she spends her youth. She has formal educational background in Political Science specialising in International relations and diplomacy and is furthering her studies on the topics of Mass communications and Public relations and in these fields she is obtaining her M.A.
At a very young age she discovered her passion for activism and change-making in hope to better the future for herself and the generations to come, due to that she decided to dedicate her career to organisations and foundations that are making positive impact on the word and life of individuals. On the other hand, she is highly skilled event manager, loves working in dynamic environment and is not afraid of challenging situations.
As a part of Green Council, she will be in charge of project administration and finances, as well as lead person for PR of the projects and events.
If you don’t find Lejna working on different projects, or behind a scenes of some big events, she is probably volunteering in one of the various organisation in which, as a trainer, she is promoting active citizenship, change-making and peace building, or she is traveling the world with her huge yellow backpack. However, her favourite part of the day, and her travels, is coming back home to her partner, as well as their dog and cat.