Green Council of February of the current year, starting with the implementation of the three-year project, “Agriculture and rural development in the service of sustainable development.”

The main objective of the project is to encourage ecological modernization of agriculture and contribute to accelerating the process of bringing BiH closer to the EU in the sector of agriculture and climate change in general and in the rural development sector.

The specific objectives are: 

  1. Encouraging dialogue between civil society and government institutions in the reform of the agricultural sector and climate change in BiH and Rural Development
  2. Education stakeholders about the benefits of organic farming
  3. Promoting the benefits of organic farming in general public
  4. Linking the key actors and the formation of advocacy groups to advocate for legal and institutional framework in the field of rural development.

Target groups:

Farmers, organic producers, farmers’ associations, agricultural cooperatives, and other civil society organizations, chambers of commerce, consumers, development agencies, media, a network of civil society organizations from the region and the EU and BiH institutions at all levels.

In 2014, project activities will focus on mapping the actual situation in the sector of organic agriculture, making a unique and comprehensive database of organic producers in BiH, design and implementation of training and thematic consultative meetings in five BiH cities, public awareness campaigns, and preparing the person respectively making action plan for advocating legal and institutional framework in the field of rural development. The project is funded by the Heinrich Boell Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina.