Green Council initiated the project idea for “Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) research in the public education buildings project” continuing earlier activities of measuring air pollution in different educational institutions, constructed out of different construction materials to prove the importance of construction materials for IAQ in educational institutions. The project will provide expertise including architecture, civil and mechanical engineers, biology, medical sciences experts and legal expert who will, while working together, develop methodology for this innovative and intersectoral research. The idea behind is to prove use of natural construction materials and its effects to the IAQ. The educational institutions in KS are especially sensitive places require special attention to be paid to the IAQ because of the children’s health and importance of them being in well ventilated areas. Even now, with the effect of the pandemic and general approach and advices provided by professional organizations, including WTO, ventilated indoor areas are advised for all closed premises.

The project results and evidences produced from measurements will be promoted widely to decision makers institutions, as well as thought WFD initiative “Više od kvote” for future policy and legislation changes on all levels of government in BiH. Additionally, promotional activities will include young population and make children into self-aware, safe, educated individuals who understand and recognise importance of healthy and safe environment influenced by all individuals.