Student Pavilion is currently been constructed in Sarajevo, on International Burch University campus and it consists of wooden structure, straw-bale walls with bio-based plastering, recycled windows and doors, straw-bale floor and roof insulation as well as green roof. Localz produced sheep wool insulation is also used on the roof and portion of the wall.
First construction phase of Student Pavilion was completed in September of 2016 through summer school when 15 students together with the experts and professors participated. The goal of this summer school was to educate the students bio-based, sustainable building techniques. During summer school in 2017 arround 20 students together with professors and experts completeed the construction of this experimental builidng. Additional to this electricity for building needs will be produced from renewable energy sources such as sun and wind which will make this building as nearly Zero Energy Building.
Partner’s organizations remain having certain roles in the all phases of building, i.e by donation of the financial support, materials, experience, expertise, land, equipment, tools, etc.
By gathering students from the region and BiH along with all partners in 2019, practical activities of the students from the disciplines related to the field (architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, landscape, forestry, civil engineering, agriculture, IT and electro-technical) from all over BiH and the region are planned in order to create an unformal group of young people to carry on important knowledge in energy efficiency, environment and sustainable building sector in the future.
During the five-days gathering (16-20 August 2019) and joint practical work (learning by doing), in addition to the students, their professors and experts, we plan to gather numerous individuals – key players for this fields’ future development – representatives of industry, business, donors, media and education. The project will be implemented through various workshops, lectures, presentations and practical work. In addition to the occupation-related topics, as a part of the program, we will organize presentations and lectures on entrepreneurship, environment protection, nZEB, Certification, Green Smart city, Renewable Energy Sources, necessities of the regional, cross-border cooperation in fields related to the topic of environment protection, reduction of pollution and sustainable building…etc.
This building will serve as an experimental object for future research as „Sharig laboratory“. Therefore the temperature and humidity sensors will be placed in the house to measure wall configurations responses as well as CO2 levels in the house with smart system of the observation and reporting. Thermal imaging and air tightness tests will be conducted. The green roof establishment will be monitored to assess plant adaptability, substrate applicability, soil erosion resilience, interaction with roof materials and some ecological benefits if possible. The plan is to conduct long-term measurements with the first results to be published after a year of construction.
The preliminary design evolved as a result of the students’ competition at the International Burch University, when Lamija Durmiš, Ajla Ćatić, Kemal Marić and Amina Talić won the first prize.
The floor plan is curvilinear in shape posted on the octagonal platform and covered with same shape of green roof. Total inside area being cca 50 m2 and cc 100 m2 of open covered tarace. Walls are made os straw, as well as floor and roof insulation. The entire structure is raised above the ground by 40 cm in order to avoid moisture penatration into floor insulation or walls. Roof is single pitch and large enough to protect the walls from rain and snow. Roof consists of 12 cm of soil covered with sedums collected from the local mountains. The technology of green roof construction is non-conventional since the goal was to use mostly bio-based materials.
Final layers of the facade will be arrange with number of different recepis of the clay malter combined with hydrated lime and different additives such as (straw dust, sheep wool, wood fibre, tektile fibre, etc). Smalp part of the facade will be covered with wood facade as well as green wall for experimental purposes as well as aesthetic one.
Delivering on this project will reap huge rewards for businesses, individuals, and country in general. We hope that bringing together experts from research institutions, government representatives, possible investors, building material producers and civil society will generate a new wave of collaboration across industries The list of the partners, institutions and organisations that supported us in past or still supporting is rather long.
The Green Council is organizing “Sharing Laboratory” – Sustainable Design for student’s joint green work in the SEE Region from 16 to 20 August 2019, in cooperation with the International BURCH University (IBU), the GIZ Open Regional Fund for SEE Energy Efficiency, Green Building Council Romania through EU HORIZON 2020 project SMARTER and many other partners from education, industry, international organizations, business and CSOs.
SHARING LABORATORY” – Sustainable Design for student’s joint green work in the Region” will surely have a strong impact on the fields – education and sustainable building, as well as to public awareness. Building – Student Pavilion is a neraly Zero Energy Building built of bio-based, local natural building materials that provide healthy air quality for its inhabitants, pleasant and spiritually uplifting environment to live in. Furthermore, since they are natural, these materials are almost 100% recycle
The main objective of this project is providing education, experience exchange and promotion through joint practical work of the students from architecture, landscape architecture, forestry, civil engineering, ITC and mechanical engineering faculties from BiH and region, with the aim of exploring, getting familiar and building (learning by doing) with alternative materials such as straw, recycled wood, recycled elements of the building (windows and doors) as well as alternative foundation elements made from recycled materials which will create bio-base and law cost ECO building and Renewable energy sources for energy production for building needs making this nearly Zero Energy Building.
Other objectives are:
- To present and promote the green building and setting permanent show-case facility. We will gather the best students of different backgrounds around the common idea – sustainable and ecological construction of the “nearly Zero Energy Building” facility, using alternative materials.
- To connect future local and regional professionals and leaders in their fields of expertise and demonstrate all the benefits of cooperation and joint work in the field of environment protection and building.
To gather different stakeholders from HEI, Industry, Business, CSOs, Donors to work together, strength and support future innovative technologies for sustainable development in building sector and comprehensive interdisciplinary approach.